
笔趣康>The Shining 原版小说 > 第4部分(第1页)


breaking pencil lead or a small piece of kindling when you brought it down over

your knee。 A moment of utter silence on the other side; in respect to the

beginning future maybe; all the rest of his life。 Seeing Dannys face drain of

color until it was like cheese; seeing his eyes; always large; grow larger

still; and glassy; Jack sure the boy was going to faint dead away into the

puddle of beer and papers; his own voice; weak and drunk; slurry; trying to take

it all back; to find a way around that not too loud sound of bone cracking and

into the past — is there a status quo in the house? — saying: Danny; are you all

right? Dannys answering shriek; then Wendys shocked gasp as she came around

them and saw the peculiar angle Dannys forearm had to his elbow; no arm was

meant to hang quite that way in a world of normal families。 Her own scream as

she swept him into her arms; and a nonsense babble: Oh God Danny oh dear God oh

sweet God your poor sweet arm; and Jack was standing there; stunned and stupid;

trying to understand how a thing like this could have happened。 He was standing

there and his eyes met the eyes of his wife and he saw that Wendy hated him。 It

did not occur to him what the hate might mean in practical terms; it was only

later that he realized she might have left him that night; gone to a motel;

gotten a divorce lawyer in the morning; or called the police。 He saw only that

his wife hated him and he felt staggered by it; all alone。 He felt awful。 This

was what oning death felt like。 Then she fled for the telephone and dialed

the hospital with their screaming boy wedged in the crook of her arm and Jack

did not go after her; he only stood in the ruins of his office; smelling beer

and thinking — )

You lost your temper。

He rubbed his hand harshly across his lips and followed Watson into the boiler

room。 It was humid in here; but it was more than the humidity that brought the

sick and slimy sweat onto his brow and stomach and legs。 The remembering did

that; it was a total thing that made that night two years ago seem like two

hours ago。 There was no lag。 It brought the shame and revulsion back; the sense

of having no worth at all; and that feeling always made him want to have a

drink; and the wanting of a drink brought still blacker despair — would he ever

have an hour; not a week or even a day; mind you; but just one waking hour when

the craving for a drink wouldnt surprise him like this?

〃The boiler;〃 Watson announced。 He pulled a red and blue bandanna from his

back pocket; blew his nose with a decisive honk; and thrust it back out of sight

after a short peek into it to see if he had gotten anything interesting。

The boiler stood on four cement blocks; a long and cylindrical metal tank;

copper…jacketed and often patched。 It squatted beneath a confusion of pipes and

ducts which zigzagged upward into the high; cobweb…festooned basement ceiling。

To Jacks right; two large heating pipes came through the wall from the furnace


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