talking…to; and perhaps a bit more。 My own girls; sir; didnt care for the
Overlook at first。 One of them actually stole a pack of my matches and tried to
burn it down。 I corrected them。 I corrected them most harshly。 And when my wife
tried to stop me from doing my duty; I corrected her。〃 He offered Jack a bland;
meaningless smile。 〃I find it a sad but true fact that women rarely understand a
fathers responsibility to his children。 Husbands and fathers do have certain
responsibilities; dont they; sir?〃
〃Yes;〃 Jack said。
〃They didnt love the Overlook as I did;〃 Grady said; beginning to make him
another drink。 Silver bubbles rose in the upended gin bottle。 〃Just as your son
and wife dont love it。 Not at present; anyway。 But they will e to love it。
You must show them the error of their ways; Mr。 Torrance。 Do you agree?〃
〃Yes。 I do。〃
He did see。 He had been too easy with them。 Husbands and fathers did have
certain responsibilities。 Father Knows Best。 They did not understand。 That in
itself was no crime; but they were willfully not understanding。 He was not
ordinarily a harsh man。 But he did believe in punishment。 And if his son and his
wife had willfully set themselves against his wishes; against the things he knew
were best for them; then didnt he have a certain duty — ?
〃A thankless child is sharper than a serpents tooth;〃 Grady said; handing him
his drink。 〃I do believe that the manager could bring your son into line。 And
your wife would shortly follow。 Do you agree; sir?〃
He was suddenly uncertain。 〃I 。。。 but 。。。 if they could just leave 。。。 I
mean; after all; its me the manager wants; isnt it? It must be。 Because — 〃
Because why? He should know but suddenly he didnt。 Oh; his poor brain was
〃Bad dog!〃 Derwent was saying loudly; to a counterpoint of laughter。 〃Bad dog
to piddle on the floor。〃
〃Of course you know;〃 Grady said; leaning confidentially over the cart; 〃your
son is attempting to bring an outside party into it。 Your son has a very great
talent; one that the manager could use to even further improve the Overlook; to
further 。。。 enrich it; shall we say? But your son is attempting to use that
very talent against us。 He is willful; Mr。 Torrance; Sir。 Willful。〃
〃Outside party?〃 Jack asked stupidly。
Grady nodded。
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